
Friday, October 16, 2020

Camp reflection



Monday morning all yr 7 and 8’s  went to the hall and met up to get ready to go camp. When we finished doing the roll and teachers telling us what we needed to do at camp. We got our luggage, went out to the bus and loaded all of our luggage in and said bye to our parents and hopped on the bus. After three long hours we finally got to camp. And placed our luggage in the gym. Later on we entered the camp hall and learnt all the rules. After that we ran to the dorms and picked a room and I was in a dorm with Vina, Maria, Senitila and Lily,u. Later on we set up everything in the room. 


In the morning some students went for a beach walk. Then when people came back we had breakfast and then we got divided into three groups for orienteering, kayaking, sports and paddle boarding. But on Tuesday we did orienteering and kayaking. But I only did orienteering. Because the tides were too strong to do it. Then after all of the activities we went for a swim in the pools. After we dried up and went and had lunch then chilled after. After that we had dinner. And it was also Lily’s birthday.


On wednesday Miss Ashley’s group went paddle boarding first. Then Jordan’s group went for a hike at the lookout first. But Jordan saw a poison sign. So then we ended going halfway to the beach. Because Liane was complaining about then Jordan roasted her. Then some people were flying fox but only people under 70kg could go. So people who were overweight. Chilled inside or watched them go down the hill. Then it was time to go paddle boarding and Jordan’s group was the last one to go. His group was really fast to learn what to do. It also took really fast to get from the other side. Later on at night time there was a big fight between two boys. Then one boy made it worse. Then they were crying because the three boys were about to go home. After that it got too toxic and Whaea lee-ane decided to end the night and told us to go sleep. The girls were starting to cry because they felt sad for the boys and because lino had to go back and sleep with the boys.


In the morning the boys that were about to go home didn’t end up going. Before the boys even knew about the 3 boys not going home. They were throwing an attitude at Miss Ashley. So then Miss Ashley yelled at us and told us to play a game. Then we had to stop because it was lunch. After lunch. We just chilled and some people were dancing. After dinner we had fiafia night. So everyone had to perform. Me and my group were singing a known tongan song E otua. Once everyone was done performing. We cleaned the hall and went off to sleep. But instead it was the last day we got to go party for a little bit then went to sleep.


In the morning. Miss Ashley woke us up to hurry up and pack. But first we had to brush our teeth and go to the hall and get ready to eat for breakfast. Then after breakfast everybody went back to chill in the hall. After that Miss Ashley growled us. To go back into our dorm rooms and pack up. Then we were all done. And got all of our luggage and put it in the hall. Later on people just went and chilled around the place before we went and had lunch. About one hour later we had lunch. Then got on the bus and made our way back home. THE END. 

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